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Pattern Updates & Corrections

Clarification in "Flowers for Ewe" pattern

On the inside cover, "Appliqué the Shapes," instruction #2 halfway through should read:  (Note:  "Before arranging the shapes of the basket row, trim the blocks to 12¼" x 10½" and sew together with a ¼" seam, and press seams open.")

Punctuation change in "Welcome Home"
Karen Spencer from Washington state called our attention to a punctuation error in the next-to-last line in the poem; “it’s” should have no apostrophe.  Thank you, Karen.

Revision to "Hooterville" pattern 
The fourth "Cutting" instruction should read "Cut (28) 4¼"squares; (not 14.)  (This was a misprint only in the first printing of Hooterville, in 2009, and has been corrected in all subsequent printings, so your copy is likely OK.)