Book Updates & Corrections
All the following revisions have been made with correction labels onto the actual pattern instructions, however, if you have an older copy, please review to see that the following revisions have been made.
Revision to "Polka Dot Parade" in the Critter Babies book.
Page 4: The 5th cutting instruction down should read;
"From the stripe center border fabric, cut 4 strips 4½" wide, selvage to selvage." (not 3 ½" wide)
Revision to "Summer at the Cabin" from the Bless the Beasts and the Children book:
Page 8 - For the log cabin blocks, cut the strips 1½" wide.
Page 8 - For the log cabin blocks, cut the strips 1½" wide.
Revisions to "Simply Stellar" from the Prairie Song book
Page 4: Cutting instructions for Star Blocks blue fabric should read:"Cut 12 squares 4¼ x 4¼", instead of 4½ x 4½
(Page 4) Cutting instructions For Sashings and Inner Border From white fabrics, should read:
"Cut 160 squares 2" x 2" (instead of 80)
Revisions to "Baby Blocks" from the Alphabears book
Page 7: Fabric Requirements: Increase lights, mediums, and darks to ¼ yard each instead of ⅛ yard each.(Page 7) Cutting: add "Cut 25 pink squares 2" x 2"
Revisions to "Piece of my Heart" from the Alphabears book
Page 9: Cutting: Also from background fabric: Cut 2 strips 2¼" x 21½", and cut 1 strip 2¼" x 44¼"Page 10: The instructions beneath diagram 3 should read:
"Refer to the color photograph and sew the heart blocks in 4 blocks of 4."
"Sew a 2¼" x 21½" background strip between each of 2 heart units,
with the hearts pointing toward the center."
"Sew the 2¼" x 44¼" background strip between these 2 units, with the hearts pointing toward
the center as in the photograph."
Revision to "Cranberry Delight" from the Patchwork Pantry book
The appliqué medallion pieces on pages 49 & 53 for "Cranberry Delight" were accidentally enlarged in the printing process. You may reduce the appliqué pattern by 30%, or send an e-mail request for a copy of the revised pattern. Also, the diagram on page 12 is incorrect. Please use the diagram below when assembling your quilt top. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
The appliqué medallion pieces on pages 49 & 53 for "Cranberry Delight" were accidentally enlarged in the printing process. You may reduce the appliqué pattern by 30%, or send an e-mail request for a copy of the revised pattern. Also, the diagram on page 12 is incorrect. Please use the diagram below when assembling your quilt top. Our apologies for the inconvenience.

Revision to "Lemon Bars" from the Patchwork Pantry book
Page 18: Constructing the Lemon Bars block should read:
"Cut each set of 3 strips into 5" blocks" (not 4 ½" blocks")
Revision to Brandyberry Cottage
Instructions on page six tell you to cut your tan fabric for your borders into 25 squares 3 ½". These should be cut 3 ¼"